Thermal Jacket untuk Turbin: Solusi Perlindungan Panas Terbaik di Industri Pupuk

Ketika kami berkunjung ke salah satu Industri Pemrosesan Gas dan Kimia terbesar di Sumatera, stabilitas operasional dan perlindungan terhadap turbin gas sangatlah penting. PT Rastekindo Cipta Global menghadirkan Thermal Jacket untuk Turbin yang didesain secara khusus untuk menjaga kestabilan suhu serta melindungi lingkungan sekitar dari paparan panas berlebih.

Dirancang oleh tim engineering berpengalaman, thermal jacket ini memiliki fungsi utama untuk mempertahankan suhu turbin pada set point tertentu, sehingga mengurangi kebutuhan startup mesin yang berulang. Dengan suhu turbin yang stabil, performa dan efisiensi mesin pun meningkat, menciptakan operasi yang lebih andal dan berkelanjutan.

Selain memberikan perlindungan termal terhadap turbin, thermal jacket ini juga dirancang dengan nilai estetika dengan menggunakan Special material fabric berbahan dasara PTFE, memberikan kesan modern dan profesional pada area turbin. Solusi ini membantu menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih aman dan produktif dengan tampilan yang lebih teratur.

Investasi dalam thermal jacket kami bukan hanya tentang efisiensi, tetapi juga estetika dan keselamatan di lapangan.

When we visited one of the largest Gas and Chemical Processing Industry in Sumatra, operational stability and protection of the gas turbine were very important. PT Rastekindo Cipta Global presents Thermal Jacket for Turbines which is specially designed to maintain temperature stability and protect the surrounding environment from overheating.

Designed by an experienced engineering team, this thermal jacket has the main function of maintaining turbine temperature at a certain set point, thereby reducing the need for repeated engine startup. With stable turbine temperatures, engine performance and efficiency are improved, creating more reliable and sustainable operations.

In addition to providing thermal protection to the turbine, this thermal jacket is also designed with aesthetic value by using Special PTFE fabric material , giving a modern and professional impression to the turbine area. This solution helps create a safer and more productive work environment with a more organized appearance.

Investing in our thermal jacket is not just about efficiency, but also aesthetics and safety in the field.

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Thermal Jacket: Temperature Efficiency Solution for Industrial Pipelines

In the world of the food and beverage industry, maintaining stable flow temperatures in pipes is key to process effectiveness and efficiency. PT Rastekindo Cipta Global presents an innovative solution in the form of a thermal jacket design on pipes that flow hot steam with external temperatures reaching 100-200 ° C. The main function of this thermal jacket is to maintain a constant temperature in the pipe from the starting point to the end point, minimize heat loss, and optimize the use of heat exchangers.

Not only superior in performance, this thermal jacket design is also designed with aesthetics that add visual value to the work environment. By using high-quality PTFE fabric material and also safe from contamination, this thermal jacket provides optimal protection to the area around the pipe and ensures safety and comfort for workers.

Our thermal jacket solution is the right choice for companies that prioritize energy efficiency, product quality, and functional design.

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PTFE LINING – Solution for corrosive Media

When we found any tank, storage or vessel that contain acid media. It should be corrosion apprear at the sorounding area and of course at the body of the tank or vessel it self.

We manage to improve corrosive media in fertilizer company. Sulfuric acid is also a key substance in the chemical industry. It is most commonly used in fertilizer manufacture, but when it not storing well it is very dangerous. We improve 20K litters of carbon steel tank of 98% Sulfuric acid using PTFE lining. It will stop customer problem of repairing their tank all the time caused by leakage and save money of maintenance cost.

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Rastekindo - Rasteflex

Fabric expansion joint FGD – Wet and High temperature application

When we talk about flue gas it should be contain some hazardous media. We complete to installed fabric expansion joint for high temperature and wet application in FGD unit of one the biggest Power Plant in Indonesia.

We design from scratch base above circumtances also additional info that media contain some acid. By using high performance anti corrosion fabric material, our RMX-44 and special sealant to prevent any leakage occured at the fabric expansion joint. With total length almost 80 meter single fabric expansion joint installed in rectangular belt type the design and material also with a good hand of peoples that involved during installation, it is a master peace and the fabric expansion joint are do the job with savely.

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Saving steam usage by using Rasteflex Jacketing in Food & Beverage Industry

Heat leaves the warmer body or the hottest fluid, as long as there is a temperature difference, and will be transferred to the cold medium. A heat exchanger follows this principle in its endeavour to reach equalisation. With a plate type heat exchanger, the heat penetrates the surface, which separates the hot medium from the cold one very easily.

If heat exchanger or steam pipe not covered using Insulate, there’s most probably occurred some heat lost which gain loses of the efficiency of the steam usage. If we using common material for covering the hot surface should be not a problem, we could use some fabric insulation that available in the market and do warping. But the Challenge in food and beverage industry, the material should have characteristic free-contaminant to the environment along withstand to high temperature.

Rasteflex Jacketing answering by using PTFE base material of fabric which could be sewing for fabrication process and it is have capabilities withstand up to 316°C continues temperature and strongly resistance to acid and base. The result after Rasteflex Jacketing installed to system of pipe and plate heat exchanger, the usage of steam saving is about 5%/hour.

Can you imagine the saving when we talked about food and beverage that running 24 hours a day and at least 25 days a month!

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Teflon vs PTFE What Really Are The Differences?

In a world full of acronyms, trade names and technical jargon, it can be hard to know what’s what sometimes. If you’re wondering what the difference is between PTFE and Teflon, and who would win between Teflon vs PTFE, let’s explore these materials and see what makes them unique.

What is PTFE?

Let’s begin our exploration of Teflon vs PTFE with a closer inspection of what PTFE actually is. To give it it’s full title, polytetrafluoroethylene is a synthetic polymer consisting of two simple elements; carbon and fluorine. It is derived from tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and has some unique properties that make it a useful material in a wide range of applications. For example:

  • Very high melting point: With a melting point of around 327°C, there are very few situations where PTFE would be damaged by heat.
  • Hydrophobic: It’s resistance to water means it never gets wet, making it useful in cooking, wound dressings and more.
  • Chemically inert: The majority of solvents and chemicals will not damage PTFE.
  • Low coefficient of friction: The coefficient of friction of PTFE is one of the lowest of any solid in existence, meaning nothing will stick to it.
  • High flexural strength: It’s ability to bend and flex, even at low temperatures, means it can be easily applied to a variety of surfaces without losing its integrity.

All these unique properties mean PTFE is a very useful material and is widely used in both domestic and commercial applications. You probably have PTFE in your own home, coating your non-stick cookware or providing stain resistance in your carpets and fabrics. You may also find it in nail polish, wiper blades and hair styling tools.

In other situations, PTFE is a useful product for coating the inside of pipes carrying corrosive chemicals or very hot materials. It has been successfully used in the manufacture of artificial body parts thanks to its inert nature which makes it unlikely to be rejected by the body. It can be used in lubricants and was even used in the Atomic Bomb to seal the gaskets holding the uranium.

What is Teflon?

It’s clear that PTFE is a very useful, unique product, but in order to establish the winner between Teflon vs PTFE, we need also to consider what Teflon is too. Discovered in 1938, Teflon was developed by the DuPont Co and managed by a spin-off of the company known as Chemours. Chemours trademarked the name Teflon in 1945 and began selling products treated with this non-stick, heat resistant material in 1946.

Teflon was actually discovered by accident, by a scientist called Dr. Roy Plunkett. He was working for DuPont in New Jersey trying to develop a new refrigerant, when he noticed that the TFE gas had flowed out of the bottle he was using, but the bottle was not weighing empty. Curious as to what was causing the weight, he investigated the interior of the bottle and found it was coated with a waxy material, slippery and oddly strong, which we now know to be Teflon.

Teflon is a synthetic polymer containing carbon and fluorine called polytetrafluoroethylene. That’s right, Teflon is PTFE but by another name. Teflon is the trademarked brand name for PTFE owned by Chemours, and just as we call our vacuums Hoovers and sticky tape Sellotape, so we’ve come to know PTFE by the name it was given.

Which is better in Teflon vs PTFE?

If you’ve been paying attention so far, you’ll already know what we’re going to say here. There is no winner, no better product and no reason to compare the two substances any further. In conclusion, if you’re wondering about Teflon vs PTFE, wonder no more, because they are, in fact, one and the same thing, different only in name and nothing else.

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